AJ Muniz
AJ Muniz
My Name is AJ Muniz and not only I’m a disc golf course designer, but I have also been competing in disc golf for over a decade, while also supporting professional disc golf events in several different capacities all over the US. With all the experience that i have gained and learned competing and traveling to different courses of all skills levels in the US, and by also helping in other course design protects, i grew the passion to design disc golf courses. With the experience i have now i am ready to start my disc golf career as a disc golf course designer of all skills levels.
Now with DiscGolfPark i have the support needed to design world class disc golf courses all over the US and Latin America. My area of work at the moment is Florida and Puerto Rico.
- Plats:
Puerto Rico
- Discgolfbandesigner sedan: 2019
- Designade banor: 0
- Courses Designed: 1 (Almendros Disc Golf Course. Vieques, Puerto Rico).
- Competed in over 90 PDGA events
- Played over 140 Disc Golf Courses
- Represented Puerto Rico at the Professional Disc Golf World Championships 2018
- Represented Puerto Rico at the Professional Disc Golf Masters World Championships 2018
- Disc Golf Instructor in Spanish or English
- Certified PDGA Official
Email: aj.muniz@discgolfpark.comPhone: 727.515.1737