Pessimist DiscGolfPark

Austin Montgomery

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Pessimist DiscGolfPark


Sijainti: Yhdysvallat, Fort Morgan, CO Perustettu: May 2015 Ratasuunnittelija: Austin Montgomery Radan tyyppi : Free-to-play Väyliä: 18 Verkkosivusto: Ladattava ratakartta: Pessimist_DiscGolfPark_InfoBoard_FINAL-e1632757783357.jpg


This is the first DiscGolfPark installed in the United States and compliments the Optimist course on the west end of Riverside Park. Plays through a native area along the South Platte River corridor. Water shots, trees, and tunnel shots with a blend of par 3’s and par 4’s.

DiscGolfPark Designed by Austin Montgomery